Non-Profit / NGO

Prioritizing Economic Development Activities

The Problem A regional economic development council (EDC) was considering a wide variety of options to attract new business to their town. However, as a small entity with limited resources, they needed a way to prioritize activities. The EDC wanted to learn how key stakeholders like real estate groups, site selectors, and developers evaluate regions [...]


A Package Design That Increases Willingness to Pay

The Problem A dental care CPG company in a hyper-competitive category needed to increase its profit margins. The brand team wanted to increase prices, and needed a new package design that increased consumers’ willingness to pay while mitigating price increase concerns among retail category managers and buyers. The Approach Using survey-based research methods, we provided [...]


Building A Case Study Arsenal

The Problem A B2B SaaS company in the rental equipment inspection category had zero case studies to show prospective customers or to use for marketing and PR. The team needed a way to streamline collecting ad-hoc stories shared by customers to build a strong case study pool. The Approach We leveraged our 1:1 interview know-how [...]


Using Thought Leadership To Win PR & Organic Search

The Problem An enterprise IT software company going through a turnaround needed to get back on the radar of relevant PR outlets and prospective customers. To jumpstart their inbound marketing activities, they wanted to develop and publish original research that would help showcase their thought leadership, give them an “excuse” to reach out to PR [...]

Financial Services

Differentiating A Business In A Crowded Market

The Problem A multi-national direct-to-consumer financial services company was facing a challenge after years of double- and triple-digit growth. Surrounded by both legacy and new category competitors all offering the same product at the same price, they needed a way to differentiate themselves from the pack and continue driving new customer growth. They wondered if [...]


Designing A Product That Sells Out Immediately

The Problem A utility company wanted to design a program to encourage electric vehicle ownership. With past research showing that a major obstacle to purchase was easy access to vehicle charging, they sought to develop a home charging program for residents in their service territory. However, they needed to first validate that such a program [...]

Implementing CRM Tracking To Improve Customer Acquistion Costs

The Problem Just acquired by a private equity firm, a regional home services company was faced with a major challenge: wanting to continue spending marketing funds to build the business but having highly limited visibility into how effective their online and offline channels were at bringing in leads and customers. With a legacy customer relationship [...]


Improving Purchase Consideration By 10%

The Problem Following a governor-issued mandate requiring utility providers to support a statewide electric vehicle adoption goal, a regional utility was tasked with creating a program to do their part to hit this goal. While they knew the end program would be a multi-channel marketing campaign, they needed a strategic approach that would materially impact [...]

Business Services

Long-Term Brand Awareness Benchmarking

The Problem A multi-national business services agency recently completed a series of acquisitions, all while experiencing increased competition in their home market. The organization knew they needed to revitalize their presence at home and build awareness for their services in new geographies. As the team begin mobilizing their marketing efforts, they sought a way to [...]

Data & Analytics

Building A Lead Gen Engine for 3X MQL Growth

The Problem After completing a Series D funding round, a data and analytics company was in a position to scale their customer acquisition efforts following several years developing their hardware and technology infrastructure. While excited to build out their internal team, the company couldn’t afford to wait any longer to jumpstart their lead gen activities. [...]


Driving 95% More MQLs On The Same Budget

The Problem Recently under new ownership, a legacy enterprise software company found itself with zero marketing team and little-to-no marketing infrastructure. Facing a category with a twelve-to-eighteen-month sales cycle, the company knew they needed to jump on marketing activities quickly to begin fueling their sales pipeline with Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs)...but needed to do so [...]

Consumer Goods

Driving Down Customer Acquisition Costs By 52%

The Problem A startup was coming up against its runway and needed to show investors it was making great strides in improving its core business metrics, especially in reducing its cost of acquiring customers (CAC). We needed to get people to buy more and buy quickly, all while reducing the costs of the expensive home [...]


Improving Website-To-Lead Conversion Rates

The Problem A SaaS start-up was using the very same website to sell their product that they used when they first launched. With zero refreshes in place, the site was not only looking a bit dated but it also failed to reflect the full value the development team had invested in the software since it [...]


Using Content Strategy To Drive 40% Of The Sales Funnel

The Problem As a young, bootstrapped company, our client needed to prove that they could attract people to purchase their novel software product, but didn't have tons of money to spend on marketing. Without investors expecting immediate returns, they had the luxury of playing a long nurturing game, but needed a cost-effective way to regularly [...]

Luxury Goods

10% Revenue Growth With Zero Extra Budget During A Recession

The Problem Smack dab in the middle of the biggest recession in recent history, a luxury consumer brand wanted to build out its e-commerce presence. With significantly lower overhead costs than selling via its offline distributors, the online business presented an attractive opportunity to build gross margins. There was just one hitch: the company wanted [...]


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