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03, Sep 2023

How To Track Your Brand Health

You'd be hard pressed to find a single category with only one brand. That means from day one, you'll always be asking, "Do we have a strong brand?" Brand health tracking studies answer this very question. By uncovering a variety of dimensions—awareness, perceptions, and usage—these studies give you an objective view of how you stack [...]

21, Aug 2023

Measure Price Elasticity Via The Gabor Granger Model

Pricing a product or service is really hard. For some, it's one of the hardest components of any go-to-market plan. Understandably so. Price a product too high and you risk customer alienation. Price a product too low and you leave money on the table. But, if you find the sweet spot, you maximize revenue and [...]

20, Jun 2023

When To Use A Conjoint Analysis

What Is A Conjoint Analysis A conjoint analysis is a market research approach that helps you understand how people make decisions. With conjoint analyses, you can identify how people make trade-offs that impact their preferences. In essence, it aims to replicate the real-time decisions individuals make during any purchase decision. Customers are faced with many [...]

01, Jun 2023

Package Optimization Research

You can't judge a book by its cover...but everybody does. The same applies to packaging. You may have a killer product. But, if the packaging doesn't shine, customers just won't buy it. Packaging research addresses this dynamic head on. It makes different packaging ideas compete head-to-head, giving you objective benchmarks to measure how compelling each [...]


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