What To Expect From
Message Testing

Gap Spotting

We’ll identify the disconnects between what your product does and what your customers think it does. You’ll learn how to evolve your messaging to bridge dissonance gaps and begin convincing customers that you’re the right product for them.

Marketing Message Testing Research Firm - Spot Messaging Gaps
Marketing Message Testing Research Firm - Tone & Voice Analysis

Tone & Voice Analysis

It’s not just what you say but how you say it. That’s why our message research frequently includes assessing tone and voice resonance. It gives you fuller insights into how to package your messaging so that it strikes the right chord.

Messaging Red Flags

Authenticity sells, which is why you need to stay away from buzzwords and other messages that ring false with customers. Our message testing explores these no-go message areas so you know what to avoid to prevent customer alienation.

Marketing Message Testing Research Firm - False Interpretations

When Is It Time To Perform
Message Testing

New Product Launches

Are you launching products to a new market or customer type?

Message testing will uncover the positioning and messaging needed to successfully enter these categories.

Competitive Differentiation

Standing out in a crowded, competitive market is hard.

When you embark on message testing, you’ll identify the benefits and tone that not only align with your brand but also help you carve a differentiated position.

Prepping Brand Campaigns

Before launching any major marketing or brand campaigns, you’ll want to make sure your messaging hits the mark.

Message testing gives you the intel needed to build compelling, effective campaigns.

Cross-Segment Targeting

Are you selling your product or services to different types of customers?

Message testing identifies the evolutions you’ll need across segments to help attract diverse groups.

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More About Our Message Testing Approach

How To Perform Ad Creative Testing

Don't you want your ads to perform well? And, don't you want to avoid spending tens of thousands of dollars on media fees that don't improve sales? Ad creative testing lets you hit both of these "birds" with one stone. It's a streamlined market research approach to collect an initial read on the relative appeal [...]

Unearthing Hidden Sentiment To Create Compelling Marketing Messaging

Do you know how customers benefit intrinsically when they use your brand or product? Or, at the very least, what they hope they'll get from using it? Sure, you can ask. You could even do classic word association games to let them make those connections themselves. However, there's a problem to this general approach. The [...]

Performing Brand Voice & Tone Research

Branding is often intangible. It describes how something makes us feel or the ideas it evokes in our minds. That intangibility can make branding easy to brush off. Yet, it's what makes branding so powerful. After all, the ability to create those emotions is the difference between someone picking your product and leaving your competitor's [...]


Ready to see if your messaging sinks or swims?